The Parts

The Parts is a photo and text-based project combining seemingly diaristic personal writing, political commentary, and original photographs from everyday life. Originally launched for public audiences on Instagram in 2018, this open-ended, ongoing series of works has taken both digital form as a series of storyboards, and physical form as public signage and flags. The project considers the many registers of personal and public experience, as they become living history. Taken together, each element of The Parts develops an alternative archive capturing and processing the shared context of national current events.

The Parts opened as a public solo exhibition at the Brooklyn Public Library in May 2021, curated by Cora Fisher. The exhibition took over the lawns surrounding the Central Branch, lived within the library’s lower windows, occupied the digital informational displays, and hung on the flagpoles at the library’s Center for Brooklyn Hystiry. In both physical and digital form, The Parts constitutes an unusually intimate form of public address, inviting all of us to reflect on how personal and public histories intersect and providing language and feeling through which to process the crises and positive developments around us.

The exhibition was commissioned for my work as the 2021 Katowitz Radin Artist in Residence.

The Parts is a sub-project of Obligation to Others Holds Me in My Place, a study of intimacy at the scale of the immediate family.


The Parts reviewed in the Brooklyn Rail by Phillip Griffith, July/August 2021.

The Parts mentioned in Time Magazine, July 2021.

The Parts featured in Untapped Cities, September 2021.